What To Look For When Hiring an Environmental Consultant:

What to look for when choosing an environmental consultant guide

The cost of your environmental consulting firm is not in the invoice they send you, but in the time and money they will save you.

If you are looking to hire an environmental consultant, take a closer look. Then take an even closer look. Do not be sold on the cheapest service without knowing they have all their licenses, understand regulations, and have the capacity and expertise to handle your project. Any mistakes made by the consultant could result in liability for you. Do your research. Find like businesses and reach out to get names of consultants they think are reputable.

New Florida Office

Farmer Post Florida Straight Contact us

Farmer Environmental Group, LLC, an international environmental services firm, has expanded its operations to include a new office in Florida. The Florida office is Farmer Environmental Group’s 7th office and positions them with a presence in the Southeastern United States.

Selected as TASB Preferred Provider

FS TASB Farmer Logo full

Farmer Environmental Group, LLC, a Carrollton-based environmental services firm, has been selected as a Preferred Provider with the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Facility Services.


scissor lift safety in a room with chemicals

All lift vehicles are should rope off the area in which they are working using either YELLOW caution ribbon or RED danger tape, anytime there is danger that something could be dropped on a person below.

Safety Topic: NEAR MISSES!

near miss safety slogans

Blog Safety Topic: NEAR MISSES! Seventy-five percent of all accidents are preceded by one or more near misses, according to the National Safety Council. In other words, close calls should be wake-up calls for employees and employers to realize that something is wrong and needs to be corrected. Employees may not realize they are expected […]

Working in Cold Environments

Farmer EG worker wearing protective suit

When working outdoors in cold weather or working in artificially cold environments, such as refrigerated areas, serious cold-related injuries and illnesses may occur. Cold related hazards can cause permanent tissue damage or even death.

Top 10 Electrical Safety Tips

Electrical Safety logo

Blog Top 10 Electrical Safety Tips Top 10 Electrical Safety Tips We may think we know all there is to know about the dangers of electrical mishaps, but there are still electrical safety rules to be strictly observed. Here are some tips to help you maintain proper caution, to help keep you and your family […]

Ladder Safety

step ladder safety used for mold inspection

Over 6,000 people die from falling off ladders each year and more than 30,000 people are injured and require emergency room treatment. So, while you might think that you already know how to use a ladder safely, now’s a good time to review ladder do’s and don’ts: