Oil And Gas
Farmer Environmental Group’s Oil & Gas Division provides a comprehensive range of services to onshore/offshore oil and gas production and drilling facilities. We strive to continuously provide safe and superior services in the most efficient manner possible.
Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) are a byproduct of the operations at virtually every oil and gas facility. NORM originates in subsurface formations during exploration, development, and production operations, and has a high propensity to contaminate equipment and the surrounding land area. If surface level contamination occurs, it typically happens via formation water produced in combination with oil and gas. Industry workers face a risk of exposure during equipment maintenance, transporting or processing waste, and during general decommissioning activities.
Farmer Environmental Group’s team of trained professionals performs detailed assessments to determine the presence and level of radioactive contamination at oil and gas sites. The NORM survey conducted will provide the information necessary to develop the most cost-efficient remediation plans and specifications—if needed—that meet all regulatory compliance requirements.
Management of Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM) remediation projects are conducted by accredited Radiation Safety Officers (RSO). Such services include site assessments, volume calculations, techniques in reducing volume during excavation, disposal options, documentation of transportation and disposal, assisting with regulatory compliance, and release for unrestricted use. Farmer Environmental Group hires professionals with expertise in an array of NORM remediation projects of varying sizes and complexities. Our team’s approach ensures that we protect both our clients’ environmental health and safety concerns in addition to their fiscal concerns.
Oil and Gas Projects
NORM Assessment
Farmer Environmental Group conducted a limited assessment survey for naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) and identified any specific areas of concern (AOC) at an oil field yard in Garvin County, Oklahoma.