COVID-19 Sanitization

Friday, April 3, 2020

We understand that you may be dealing with a multitude of worries concerning the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. We hope to ease some of your concerns by letting you know that our team, Farmer Environmental Group, LLC (Farmer), is here to help. To make disinfecting and sanitizing your facilities easier and more efficient, we have developed a cleaning and sanitizing management service.

This service can:

  • Provide third-party job oversight and management to guide workers in the use of appropriate personal protective equipment and adhere to CDC recommendations and Farmer’s Sanitization Protocol for cleaning and sanitizing.
  • Provide experienced and qualified vendors to conduct cleaning and sanitizing. 
  • Provide professional guidance and post-sanitization swab surface sampling. Although the swab sampling analysis does not identify COVID-19, the analysis identifies any bacteria on the surfaces. Currently, surface sampling analysis will not identify COVID-19. Bacteria analysis is being used to determine if surfaces have been properly sanitized.

The outbreaks of COVID-19 are on the rise, impacting all businesses, from offices, retail and restaurant spaces, to educational facilities, municipalities, large venues, and public transportation systems. We are actively and closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19, and we are working hard to stay on top of this evolving situation.

Certified by the National Organization of Remediators and Mold Inspectors (NORMI), Farmer has developed a Sanitization Protocol that should be followed during the Coronavirus sanitization process. With strategic locations throughout the United States, we can provide the project management and oversight of the remediation contractor during the sanitization process. During this time, reliability and trust are of the utmost importance when businesses, municipalities, and educational facilities face such a crisis. Being proactive enables you to reassure your customers and the community that expertise and proficiencies are being utilized to prevent potential exposure in your location.

Our team is committed to being responsive to the needs of our clients as this situation evolves. Please contact us at 214-597-0593 or

We are all in this together.


Craig W Farmer, CEO
Farmer Environmental Group, LLC

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