Vacant Building Abatement in Houston
Our team of licensed professionals conducted an asbestos assessment and abatement in a vacant building in Houston, Texas.
Mold Found in Cabinets
Our licensed team of professionals did an indoor air quality (IAQ) assessment in New Orleans and found a pen/asp mold raw count of over 350,000.
Mold Found In Break-Room
Farmer Environmental Group’s Houston location received a complaint of a water leak in a commercial building break-room. Our licensed team of professionals identified a mold concern that will require remediation during our assessment.
Residence IAQ/Mold Inspection
Residence IAQ/Mold Inspection March 1, 2017 Farmer conducted mold air sampling and a visual inspection for suspect microbial growth within the residence. Air samples were collected to determine mold spore concentrations. The air samples were collected on spore trap air filters. These air filters are considered to be a slit impaction sampling method, which collects […]
Mold Growth in Austin Hotel
Projects Mold Growth in Austin Hotel Mold Growth in Austin hotel behind wallpaper. This Austin hotel had some issues in the past with roof leaks around the window frames. With the torrential rains the Central Texas area received last spring, these issues became more prevalent. Farmer Environmental Group were called out to perform moisture and […]
The What, the How, and the Who of Mold
Blog The What, the How, and the Who of Mold Growing mold– that’s the easy part! Knowing the what, the how, and the who- now that’s another matter. Here are some facts provided by the EPA that will help you understand mold: • Mold can grow pretty much anywhere there is a water or moisture […]
Protect Yourself from Mold
Blog Protect Yourself from Mold Mold may be present after an extended amount time of standing water in a home or building. Be alert for mold when returning to a home or building after a flood. Mold may be a health risk for you and your family. People with health complications, such as, asthma, allergies, […]