What To Look For When Hiring an Environmental Consultant:
The cost of your environmental consulting firm is not in the invoice they send you, but in the time and money they will save you.
If you are looking to hire an environmental consultant, take a closer look. Then take an even closer look. Do not be sold on the cheapest service without knowing they have all their licenses, understand regulations, and have the capacity and expertise to handle your project. Any mistakes made by the consultant could result in liability for you. Do your research. Find like businesses and reach out to get names of consultants they think are reputable.
Environmental Services on a Central Texas Elementary School
Farmer Environmental Group performed an Asbestos survey, Lead-based paint survey, and a Hazardous materials assessment on a Central Texas Elementary School.
Phase I ESA, Lead-Based Paint Inspection, and Asbestos Inspection
Farmer Environmental Group recently conducted a Phase I ESA and Asbestos Inspection for environmental remediation.
Residence Asbestos and Lead Paint Inspection
In order to ensure a safe and healthy work environment, asbestos testing and lead paint inspection was done. Check how we’ve done this here!
Phase I ESA in Arapahoe County
Projects Phase I ESA in Arapahoe County Farmer Environmental Group, LLC conducted a Phase I ESA located in Arapahoe County, Colorado. The subject site is vacant agricultural land, approximately 154 acres. Based on the information obtained by Farmer, the subject site appeared to have been always used for agricultural purposes or undeveloped/vacant land. Farmer’s review […]
Phase II ESA
Projects Phase II ESA Farmer Environmental Group conducted a limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment at a proposed automotive company location in Winnetka, California. The Phase II ESA was conducted in response due diligence related to the potential purchase of the subject site. Potential environmental impacts from on-site sources may be present from historical entities. Therefore, this […]
Overcoming Obstacles in Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
Blog Overcoming Obstacles in Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Each Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is unique and often requires the use of multiple assessment techniques in order to achieve the objectives. Dependent upon the Phase II ESA objectives, the collection of soil and/or groundwater samples is often difficult. Obstacles typically encountered during Phase […]
What is SWP3?
Blog What is SWP3? What is SWP3 and what does it involve? Storm-water runoff is generated when precipitation from rain and snowmelt flows over land or impervious surfaces and does not penetrate into the ground. As the runoff flows over the land or impervious surfaces (paved streets, parking lots, and building rooftops), it accumulates debris, chemicals, […]